escort vt. 护卫,护送,伴随。 n. 1.警卫,护送。 2.护卫队,仪仗兵;护送者,护卫者;伴随者;护航舰[机]。 a convoy escort 车运警卫部队。 escort carrier 护航用小型航空母舰。 an escort of jet fighters 喷气战斗机护航队。 conduct escort operations 护航。 under the escort of 在…护送下。
Normally , one of the twelve shieldships would take control of the escorted vessel via slave circuit , and jump into the system 正常情况下, 12艘护盾船中的一艘会由伺服电路控制其它的护卫船,并跳入该系统。
French escort vessel , fs vendemiaire , with 91 officers and soldiers , arrives at the dock of yangzi river in shanghai , east china , for a six - day goodwill visit on nov . 18 , 2007 11月18日上午,法国海军“葡月”号轻型护卫舰驶抵上海扬子江码头,开始对上海进行为期6天的访问。
A french escort vessel , fs vendemiaire , with 91 officers and soldiers , arrives at the dock of yangzi river in shanghai , east china , for a six - day goodwill visit on nov . 18 , 2007 11月18日上午,法国海军“葡月”号轻型护卫舰驶抵上海扬子江码头,开始对上海进行为期6天的访问。